ovirt demo2

Ovirt Cloud

24×7 Server Support Manages all kinds of Ovirt issues with Multi-talented Staff. Ovirt, the first truly open and comprehensive data center virtualization management initiative, provides a venue for user and developer cooperation.

The heart of the project is the open-source code of Ovirt, and the community is governed openly and modelled after the Apache Foundation, Eclipse, LVM, and many other well-functioning Linux communities. So what are you waiting for, Drop an email to contact@24x7serversupport.io and get your VMware secured!


Core Server Management

  • Installation and Configuring Ovirt Server
  • Basic Ovirt Server Management
  • Start, Stop and View Virtual Machines
  • Setup Open Source Linux Based VMS
  • Third Party Open Source Installations (LAMP, FFMPEG, Red5 and Service Optimizations)
  • Disk Management
  • Network Configuration
  • Storage Management
  • Migration Support
  • Cluster Setup and Fail-over Solutions
  • Log Analysis and Monitoring
  • Systems Upgrade

Support Features

  • Unlimited Admin Work
  • Within 1 Hour Response Time Guarantee for Support Tickets
  • Within 28 Hour Resolution Time Guarantee for Support Tickets
  • Certified Technicians Managing Your Servers
  • 7 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Additional Clustered Server will be Charged $50/Monthly